Succulents Empire
Best Quality Plants

Plants Collection

Any plants for your space


Shipping all over the country

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Our online store is restocked every Friday at 7 pm EST. We ship nationwide and offer local pick up in Orlando, FL. Please allow up to 5 business days for order processing (excludes shipping time in transit). 

Shipping cost $15 and $3 for adicional plants


Due to the cold weather, we want to inform you that there may be some delays in plant shipments. In case of significantly low temperatures, i will no ship the plant until next week if the weather improve.
We will resuming shipments after January 22nd. Please let me know any questions
🖤 thank you for you support 🖤


It is your responsibility as a buyer to purchase heat pack and insulation coordinating with your weather. 60 degrees and below are required to purchase heat packs and insulation.

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easy care plants

Maranta leuconeura

Also known as the “Prayer Plant,” it spreads its leaves during the day to absorb light and regulate humidity, and folds them at night. The leaves look painted and have a spectacular color contrast, giving it a distinctive retro charm! It is a very hardy, lively, and easy-to-care-for plant. As it grows, its stems extend and it takes on a trailing habit.

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mosntera adnasonii

Monstera adansonii

It is also known as Monstera friedrichsthalii or Monkey Mask. A cousin of Monstera deliciosa, Monstera adansonii climbs surfaces using its aerial roots, which slip through cracks. It is very popular due to its wild appearance, velvety and holey leaves, and its tolerance and resilience. It adapts very well to indoor environments and is very easy to care for. Perfect for beginners!

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mosntera deliciosa

Monstera deliciosa

Native to Mexico, Panama, and Central America, it belongs to the Araceae family.

Monstera deliciosa is also known as Swiss Cheese Plant or Split-Leaf Philodendron. It was a classic in interior design in the 1970s and is now making a comeback. It’s an easy-care plant that loves to take over spaces and brings a wild look. There’s no doubt it’s one of the most desired plants— a must-have for decorating our homes! You’re not a true indoor plant lover if you don’t have a Monstera Deliciosa.

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We take care of finding the best plants for you, those that should always be in our home, giving us love, harmony and peace.