Monstera Deliciosa
Native to Mexico, Panama, and Central America, the Monstera deliciosa belongs to the Araceae family.
The Monstera deliciosa, also known as the Swiss Cheese Plant or Split-Leaf Philodendron, was a staple of interior design in the 1970s and has made a remarkable comeback. This plant is easy to care for, enjoys sprawling out to conquer spaces, and adds a wild touch to any room. Undoubtedly, it is one of the most sought-after plants—a must-have for home decoration! You can’t call yourself a true indoor plant enthusiast if you don’t own a Monstera deliciosa.
Bright indirect light
We can place the Monstera deliciosa both indoors and outdoors. It tolerates a wide range of indirect light, but it's ideal to adapt to its needs for it to grow at a good pace, strong and healthy.
If kept inside our homes, the Monstera will thrive in a bright spot with bright or filtered indirect light. It tolerates medium indirect light or low light, but it will grow more slowly.
This plant can also decorate our outdoor spaces as long as they are in areas with a Mediterranean climate where temperatures do not drop below 5°C. We should find it a spot in partial shade.
Avoid direct sunlight and frost; its leaves would get burned.
Moderate, without waterlogging the substrate! It should remain moist.
Let the soil of the Monstera deliciosa dry out between waterings. When you see the leaves becoming thinner, less firm, and the petioles drooping, it indicates that it is thirsty.
Remove any excess water left in the saucer of the pot.
Tip: Check the soil instead of having a set day of the week for watering, as several factors affect the rate at which the substrate dries. You can insert a pencil and remove it after a few seconds; if it comes out dry and without soil sticking to it, it's time to water.
It likes humidity! Although the Monstera deliciosa adapts to any environment, it's ideal to mist its leaves, especially during hot periods, if the environment is dry, or when the heating or air conditioning is on (as they dry out the surroundings).
If the need for humidity is higher, it is recommended to add a saucer at the base of the pot with clay pebbles or volcanic rock and water, without touching the base of the pot. If you place it alongside other plants, they will cooperate and share the humidity they generate.
If this is not sufficient, we recommend using a humidifier.
Repot your Monstera deliciosa when the roots generously peek through the drainage holes (there might be no space left inside the pot) or when they push the plant out of the container. If you are unsure, take the plant out of the pot and inspect.
Use a pot that is 2-3 sizes larger than the old one, preferably made of terracotta (although this is a matter of preference) and with drainage holes.
Tip: if the lower or older leaves turn completely yellow and wither, a possible cause is lack of space in the pot.